Posted by : Unknown Senin, 01 April 2013

Esophageal cancer / throat cancer usually occurs in the cells that pass through the walls of the esophagus. The use of alcohol and tobacco, certain infections, disorders, and other cancers is a major risk factor for   certain types of esophageal cancer.Typical symptoms include difficulty swallowing, weight loss, and, later, the pain.Diagnosis is by endoscopy.Except if found early, most all cases of esophageal cancer is fatal.Surgery, chemotherapy, and various other therapies can help children relieve symptoms.The most common type of esophageal cancer is the squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma, which occurs in the cells that pass through the wall of the esophagus. This cancer can occur anywhere in the esophagus and can be seen as a narrowing of the esophagus (stricture), a swelling, abnormal flat area (plaque), or abnormal tissue (fistula) between the esophagus and the respiratory tract that supply the lungs lung.Unusual type of esophageal cancer include leiomyosarcomas (cancer of the soft tissue of the esophagus) and metatastik cancer (cancer that spreads from other parts of the body). Cancer of the esophagus tissue affects 15,500 people each year in the United States.

 Both squamous cell carcinoma and adecarcinoma is more common in men than women. Squamous cell carcinoma is more common in blacks, while adenocarcinoma is more common in white people.The frequency of adenocarcinoma has increased rapidly in the United States since 1970, particularly white men, and is now more common than squamous cell carcinoma in the lower esophagus. Cause factors tobacco use (any kind) and alcohol is an important risk factor for esophageal cancer cause, even though so much going for squamous cell carcinoma than for adenocarcinoma. People who have certain human papillomavirus infection, patients with head and neck cancer, or those who had radiation therapy for the treatment of esophageal cancer about other highly at risk of developing esophageal cancer.People who already have the disorder of the esophagus, such as achalasia, esophageal tissue (Plummer-vision syndrome), or narrowing due to never swallowed a substance that can damage (such as lye), are also at risk of esophageal cancer formation. The old irritation of the esophagus because stomach acid into the esophagus repeatedly overflowed (gastroesophageal reflux) can cause pre-cancerous condition called Barrett's esophagus.Although esophageal cancer from Barrett's esophagus were settled relatively rare in most industrialized countries, the frequency of occurrence is increasing faster than any other cancer of the esophagus.Symptoms early stage esophageal cancer can go undetected. The first symptom is usually difficulty in swallowing solid foods, which coincided with the growth of cancer which narrows the esophagus. A few weeks later, swallow soft foods and then swallowing fluids or saliva becomes difficult. Losing weight is normal, even when the person was able to eat well. People may experience pain in the chest, which was spreading to the back.With the passage of the cancer, it can damage a variety of tissues and nerves and other organs. Tumor may compress the nerves that control the vocal cords, which can cause raucous. The emphasis on the surrounding nerves can cause Horner's syndrome, spinal pain, and choking.The cancer usually spreads to the lungs, which can cause shortness of breath, and to the liver, which can cause fever and abdominal swelling. Spread to the bone can cause pain. Spreads to the brain can cause headaches and dizziness. Spread to the intestines causing vomiting, bleeding in the stool, and anemia (iron deficiency). Spread to the kidneys is often without symptoms. In the final stage, the cancer can be completely clog the throat. Swallowing becomes impossible that discharge in the mouth, which can be very troublesome.DiagnosisEndoscopy, which the flexible tube to view (endoscope) that is placed through the mouth to view the esophagus, is the best diagnostic procedure if esophageal cancer is suspected. Endoscopy also facilitate physician to remove a sample of tissue (biopsy) and cell release (brush cytology) for examination under a microscope.X-ray procedure called a barium swallow (where the person swallows barium liquid, which looks at X-rays) can also show a barrier. Computed Tomography (CT) and ultrasonography examination performed through an endoscope that is inserted in the esophagus may be used for further allegations in cancer.Treatment because esophageal cancer is usually not diagnosed until the disease is spread, high mortality. Less than 5% survive more than 5 years. Most died within a year of the first symptoms are detected. Because almost all cases of esophageal cancer are fatal, the main purpose is to oversee physician symptoms, particularly pain and inability to swallow, which can be very frightening to the person and the people who love.Surgery to remove the tumor which was very long but rarely cured. Because the cancer usually has spread at the time of surgery. Chemotherapy or radiation therapy, can relieve symptoms and prolong survival time for several months. Sometimes radiation therapy kombinasa pre-operative chemotherapy can increase the cure rate of surgery.Other tools are intended only to relieve symptoms, including dilate (widen) the narrow region of the esophagus, and then insert a tube (a stent) to keep the throat open; cutting the tumor using a loop of intestine, and doing photo laser therapy, which is a high-energy rays are shone directly on tumor growth to destroy cancerous tissue that blocks the esophagus.Another technique is to relieve the symptoms of photodynamic therapy, in which a light-sensitive dye (contrast agent) given intravenously 48 hours before treatment. Dyes absorbed by cancer cells to a greater degree than the normal cells in the tissue surrounding the esophagus. When activated by light from a laser is inserted into the esophagus through an endoscope, dyes destroy cancerous tissue, to open the esophagus. Therapies that block photodinamik crush injuries faster than radiation or chemotherapy in people who can not undergo surgery because of poor health.Nutrition is enough to make any kind of treatment is easier and tolerable. People who can swallow can receive concentrated liquid nutritional supplements. People who can not swallow food through a pipe could require temporary or food intravenously. Because death is possible, a person suffering from esophageal cancer should have all the essential plan. The person must be honest discussion with your doctor about the desire for medical care and the need for treatment to survive.

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